The body heals from the inside out and from the top down. A healthy spine is the key to a healthy life.
The body heals from the inside out and from the top down. A healthy spine is the key to a healthy life.Amplifeied
San Diego Chiropractor Dr. Rode of Rode Chiropractic specializes in the treatment of headaches, migraines, tension headaches with chiropractic adjustments. Please call 858-391-1372 for an appointment.
The body heals from the inside out and from the top down. A healthy spine is the key to a healthy life.
You don't get straight teeth overnight with braces. The same goes for proper alignment of the spine. Give it time.
You will enjoy a healthier life when your brain's impulses flow freely through your spine to all cells in your body. Get connected with chiropractic.
Make time for exercise or find time for illness.
Some people think the glass is half empty, some think the glass is half full. Just remember, you can always refill the glass!
"Chiropractors adjust subluxations, relieving pressure from the nerves so that they can perform their functions in a normal manner. The innate can and will do the rest." B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.
Are You Texting Your Way to Back Pain?
"Each patient carries his own doctor inside him." Norman Cousins
Eat real food and you will feel the benefits.
Is Your Purse Impairing Your Posture?
Chiropractic locates and removes subluxations so the body can be restored to health.
You're only one work out away from a good mood!
The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you're not willing to stay where you are.
Nutrition is key to good health. Avoid pre-packaged foods and make the time to cook whole, fresh foods.